
Pre-workshop assignment

Saturday 03 December, 2011 at 4:30 am, by Søren Therkelsen in Blog, Step 3

Before the pre-workshop in Copenhagen, we ask each startup to do some “homework”. Doing some pre-reading - learning important methodology - is a good start, because this will help you prepare the initial Business Model Canvas.

Right now your business model is probably lodged in your practice - you probably haven’t had time to write it down - maybe it’s mostly between your ears. Prior to the workshop we want to get it into a business model canvas, to map out and structure the key elements in you business. This is the first step towards proving that your business model actually will work.

We will provide you early access to the LeanLaunchLab software. This tool will be key in mapping out your business, but also in communicating your learnings and tactics to your team, advisors, investors and other stakeholders in your business. In LeanLaunchLab you test your hypotheses, and blog about your progress. By testing and validating your ideas and assumptions, your chances of success increase. Having a proven business model, that is ready to be scaled - and only requires capital for acquiring customers - dramatically improves access to venture funding.

In the pre-workshop we will work with your assumptions and your business flow - and plan your next steps before coming to the valley.